Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Trade WAR with China

¥ The trade war between China and the United States is an ongoing economical dispute between China and the United States, the two largest national economies in the world. President Donald Trump started setting tariffs and other trade barriers on China. In 2018 to pressure China to reform what the U.S. considers to be “unfair trade practices,” including increasing trade deficits, intellectual property theft, and the forced transfer of American technology to China.

¥ Since the 1980s, Trump has promoted tariffs to reduce the U.S. trade deficit and encourage domestic manufacturing. Saying it is trading partners are “ripping off” the country; imposing tariffs has become a central feature of his presidential campaign. While some economists and politicians agree that the persistent trade deficit in the United States is problematic, and other economists argue that it is not an issue. There are a few support tariffs as a solution, citing historical evidence that increasing tariff disputes lead to no winners.

$ The trade war in the U.S. has brought struggles for farmers and producers as well as higher prices for consumers. It has also caused economic damage in other countries, although some countries have benefited from filling the gaps from increased manufacturing. It has also contributed to uncertainty in the stock market. Many countries’ governments have taken steps to address some of the damage, including China and the United States. The trade criticized internationally; corporations and farm associations were also critical in the U.S., although most farmers continued to support Trump. The response mixed among U.S. politicians.

$ The trade war has caused a significant deterioration in relations between China and the United States as the countries have traded tit-for-tat tariffs for more than a year. Trump promises more to come, with no resolution in sight.

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