Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Invention of Typewriter-History

⛱✎✐The typewriter is, without doubt, one of human history’s most important inventions. It was first developed as a way of documenting essential documents without a printing press in 1714–but for another century and a half, the first commercial machines would not arrive!

✎✐Throughout the 20th century, with the traditional QWERTY keyboard now a staple, companies such as IBM set the stage for the new word-processing system with mechanical and electrical devices. We would fashion the original manual and allow written data to be quickly registered, corrected, and reproduced.

✎✐In 1714, Henry Mill invented the first “reading machine.” It was called a ‘Transcription Letters Machine,’ but not much is known about the theory of Mill, as there is no documentation of it as a working machine. The purpose, however, was “to impress or transcribe letters one after another individually or slowly, so tidy and precise as not to be differentiated from print, very useful in treaties and public records.”

✎✐In 1830, American William Burt designed the first typographer–the typewriter’s ancestor. The then-President Andrew Jackson personally signed his patent. Burt was a government surveyor who built the machine to help accelerate his work. He used the computer to type letters, but his need for speed was not met, as the typographer used a dial to pick letters rather than keys.

⛱✎✐Many other attempts followed from other inventors, but not until 1874 would arrive the first commercial typewriter. Christopher Latham Sholes and Carlos Glidden were developed by Remington to produce their ‘Type-Writer.’ Sholes also invented the QWERTY keyboard we use today; it appeared on his computer, which was written in capital letters.

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